National Biomedical Engineering Conference "The future shape of Medical technology" Oct 1981
"High Technology Medical Products - A Perspective" A.N.Z.A.A.S. Conference Sydney 1982
"High and New Technology: Needs of Australian Industry" A position paper - The Australian Scientific Industry
Association. Feb 1983 reprinted 1985. P.C. Farrell, A.R.Allen, C.K.Coogan, J.G.Davis, E.F.Dawes, I.M.Fraser, G.A. Freed, R.H. Howard, L.A. Wisbey.
"What Price Life - A review of the cost implications of new technology in the Health Care Industry" Engineering and Physics in the Life Sciences Conference - Oct.1983
"Manufacturing of Medical Equipment in Australia".G.A. Freed and Dr. M.S. Hirshorn Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Australia. Vol 4 No2 June 1984
Freed's Lexicon of Venture Capital Jargon Computerworld Oct . 1984
"Scientists and Business Skills" Letter to the Financial Review - Oct 16th 1984
Submission to A.S.T.E.C. review of Taxation Effects on Technology Based Industries - April 1985 G. Berry and G.A. Freed
The Commercialisation of Technology A presentation to the ASEAN training conference The Centre for Technology and Social Change April 1985
"Special Considerations in Funding the Laser Industry" Presentation to the Workshop on the Laser Industry Dept. of Industry, Technology and Commerce - May 1985
A major two year project; the design specification and publication of the C.L.C. Authoring System for Computer Aided Instruction.- Sept 1985
"The Future of Technology in the Workplace" ACET Conference - Canberra 1986
Theatre Demonstration Show of Multimedia Authoring using CLC - Teamex Exhibition Sydney Oct 1986
A.I.T.D "Advances in Computer Based Training July 1987"
Evidence to Parliamentary Select Committee Financing and Management Standards of Small Business May 1987
A.I.T.D P.C. Based Training Simulation Feb 1988
"Ambition of Small Business Proprietors" Letter to the Financial Review - Oct 1989
Australian Manufacturing Council G.A.Freed, D. Scott-Kemmis, M.Woodgate."Growth Paths for the Manufacturing Sector" March 1990
Australian Chamber of Manufacturers July 1991 "Long Term Commercial Threats behind the Recession"
for BLE Capital Ltd ( a joint venture between Westpac of Australia and 3i of the UK) :-
July 1986 UNIX
Oct 1986 Evaluating Computer Industry Opportunities
Oct 1986 Overview of the Computer Industry
Sept 1988 Training Manual "Marketing Financial Services" (with Price Waterhouse)
June 1991 "Venture Capital in Australia" Forum on Venture Capital in Asia Published by the Asia Development Bank Bangkok, April 1988
NSW Enterprise Workshop (Enterprise Concours) Chairman of Judges 1990
"The Investment Climate- What are the Opportunities" NSW Dept of Agriculture and Fisheries March 1990
Chairman's Address Conference on Interactive Multi-media and its Commercial Significance Dec 1990
"Global relevance of technology in innovation" Indonesian Government Training Program Centre for Strategic Studies !991
Industries Assistance Commission Inquiry into Sources of Capital April 1991 Three requested papers
"The Nucleus Experience"
"Threats behind the Recession"
"The Sending and Interpreting of Signals by the Investment Community"
Australian Manufacturing Council "Global Value Chains" Sept 1992
Australian Academy of Science "The Wollongong Experience and the Supply of Funds" October 1991
"The Australian Venture Capital Industry" G Freed and L Stevenson for the AMP Society. 1991
"Socio-Economic Issues Influencing Market Opportunities" Price Waterhouse Partners Training Program 1991
"Hollowing Out - Its market implication for Telecommunications" AOTC Advanced Network Products Market Planning Seminar Sept 1992
Presentation of France Australia Industrial Research Programme "The Australian Perspective" (In French) Lyons, Toulouse, Marseille, Montpelier and Strasbourg 1992 & (In English) Sydney, Perth and Brisbane 1992 Sydney May 1993
G Freed and P Cassidy "Funding & Investment of Mining Research & Technology" Mining Industry Rand D Conference Nov 1992
"Engineering Management for Economic Success" G Freed and R Johnston Warren Centre November 1992
"Picking Winners and Winning Backers" Submission to Warren Centre Project on Venture Capital Funding Jan 1993
Opening Address - FAIR Workshop on Telecommunications and Space April 1993
"Socio-Economic Issues Influencing Technology Commercialisation" CSIRO Training Programme for Program Managers March 1993
"Venture Capitalists and Technology Innovation" Training Session Chinese Engineering Industries Group March 1993
"Technology Transfer" Training Session Chinese Engineering Industries Group March 1993
"Socio-Economic Issues Influencing Taxation Policy - an Environmental Scan" Australian Taxation Office - Senior management Training program
1991 , 1992 and 1993
A Framework for Optimising Research Management Structures CSIRO College of Chiefs April 1993
Chairman - Conference on R&D for Business Success AIC Sept 1993
CSIRO Leadership Development Group October 1993
Division of Radio Physics Nov 1993
"Strategic Opportunities for Mining Research & Technology" Mining Industry R&D Conference Nov 1993
"Venture Capital and New Technology Opportunities" Australian Academy of Technological Sciences Nov 1993
Barbara Lepani, G. Freed et al "The Economic Role of Cities" for the Dept. of Housing Nov 1993
A Technology Supported Business Plan for the Wool Industry Nov 1993 CSIRO Division of Animal Production
"Changes in the Nature Of Employment and some Urban Implications" Department Of State Development NSW Government - May 1994
"Contribution to Business Round Table on R&D" Industry Commission May 1994
"Views on the Funding & Resourcing of CSIRO's Rural Research - submission to Senate enquiry on financing of rural research June 1994
"Nurturing Creativity" Letter to the Financial Review June 29 1994
"Shorter Path to Market" Managing Innovation Conference IIR June 1994
"Organising for Innovation" AGSEI Aug and Nov 1994
"Managing the Risks in Innovation to Match the Expectation of Commercial Investors" Chairman's address Managing R&D and Innovation
Conference July 1994
"The Future of R&D Contracting" R&D Review Sept 1994
"Innovation in Wealth Creation Processes and their implications for Physical Proximity" OECD & Australian Government Conference on Cities and the New Global Economy, Melbourne 21 Nov November 1994
"How attractive are Australia's Airports to Private Investors" Aviation '95 April 1995
"Encouraging funding of Mining R&D" 1995 Australian Mining Summit Oct 1995
"The Real Competitive Challenge of Asia" Chairman's address Food Processing Technology towards 2000 Conference Oct 1995
"Innovation & Organisational Structures for Funding" International Conference on maximising R&D Opportunities in Asia Singapore Nov 1995
"Influence and Control over Private Investments" AMP Insights Issue 14 Summer 1995
"Assessing the Potential of Emerging Asset Classes & Overcoming the Practical Difficulties of Benchmarking" SuperFunds and Funds Management Conference Sydney Feb 1996
"Globalisation of Industry - Its impact on M&A" Mergers and Acquisitions Conference IBC Sydney March 1996
"The Role of Development Capital in an Investment Portfolio" ASFA Canberra Aug 1996
Electronic Commerce: An overview paper on the Strategic Implications for the AMP Society. Cycam Pty Ltd G.A.Freed,Dan Da Silva, Robert Webster Oct 1996
"Investing in Innovation" IIR Conference on Business Growth and Investment Sydney Oct 1996
"Determining Financial Strategies in Transnational Acquisitions" IBC Conference on Financing Acquisitions Feb 1997 Sydney
"R&D and its Position in the Organisation" R&D '97 Conference AIC Sydney April 1997
"R&D Incentives and their Economic Outcomes in the Australian Context" Prometheus Vol 15 No2 1997
" The regions of the mind - the impact of the Net" Mosman Rotary Oct 1997
"Innovation in Regional Futures" Australian Business Conference Newcastle Oct 1967
"Government, government and governance" AMP Group Communications - lunchtime presentation Oct 1997
"Managing the Vertical Supply Chain" 1998 Australian Agribusiness Association 21 & 22 July 1998, Albury GF speaking 21 July only
"An Australian Perspective" 1998 Private Equity Conference Asia Pacific May 1998 Singapore
"Corporate Governance - An Australian Perspective" by Leigh Hall, delivered at the National RoundTable on Corporate Governance - Mumbai India March 1999
"A review of Australian Korean Economic
Co-operation and its Future Direction" Korean Australian Business Council 16th
Sept 1999
Hardware based neurone emulation 1959
Software based Neural Network (Incomplete PhD project) * 1959
Software Test Utilities (Ferranti Majority Logic Computer) * 1959
Standard Cell Referenced Digital Voltmeter (Solartron DVM 904) * 1960
General Purpose Laboratory Pulse generator (Solartron GO1101) 1961
Keyboard driven Credit Card Embosser (Adrema Ltd) * 1962
OCR evaluation Software (Farrington Inc) 1962
Assessment of Automation strategies for the European Bank cheque clearing network * 1963
Digital Logic Modules (Trend Modules) 1962
TSR2 In Flight Telemetry Recorders Technical manuals (Epsilon Industries) 1962
Store and Forward Digital ferrite memories (British Telecom) 1963
Industrial ferrite memories (Trend) 1964
A range of Data Transmission Test Sets (Trend for B.T, IBM ,ICL etc) * 1963-1973
Autodial Modem Interface (BT) * 1963
Computer-Telex Interface (BT) * 1963
High Speed Paper Tape Reader (Trend HS500) * 1964
Word Processor System (Farrington 1010) * 1966
64 keyboard Key to Disc Data Conversion system (Trendata) * 1972
Digital Management System for Self Service Filling Stations (Avery-Hardoll and Wayne Dresser) * 1965
Mini Computer Based Invoicing and Accounting Machines (Trendata) * 1968
Inflatable Boats for Surf Rescue * 1974
Range of Double Insulated Patient Monitoring Systems (Medtel HS5,6,7,8 etc) 1977
Portable Diagnostic Ultrasound System (Ausonics Sonoranger)* 1982
P C Based Training Authoring Language (CLC)* 1984
Computer Based Training System (Sperry CATS) 1984
UNIX based PC- UPS Interface (BLEC) 1987
PC Based Electric Train Simulator for Driver Instruction (SRA) * 1988
Intelligent House Security & Environment System (Lighting Simplicity) 1991
(* Among the world's five earliest product in their class)
Management of Innovation 1992-3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1991-1992 Competitive Strategy 1991-92-93
Managerial Finance 1991
Uni of Sydney Graduate School of Business - MBA Global Competitive Strategy 1993
A.G.S.E.I. Computer Simulation of a Global Engineering Business 1994
Uni of Sydney Faculty of Engineering Post Graduate Management of Innovation
English in Andernos Association "Les affaires en Anglais" 2005-2006
More to come but in the meantime ......
mise ŕ jour Dimanche 5 Sept 2010