A la retraite à Andernos, Gironde, France et encore à Lauderdale en Tasmanie
Né à Londres, 25 ans en Australie
Double Nationalité - Australienne, Britannique
Épouse, Yolande, Australienne, Française d'origine
Ingénieur, spécialiste en informatique et biotechnologie et de la valorisation
of technologie
Membre de l'Institut Australien des Ingénieurs, Fellow de l'Institut de
Management Australien
Membre de FAIR depuis 1992, Comité intergouvernementales pour faciliter
l'échange et le partage de projets de recherche et leurs valorisations, entre
P.D.G. d'entreprises internationales en informatique et technologie médicale
Directeur de Sociétés en Angleterre, Australie, Danemark, Etats Unies, France,
Singapour et Suisse.
Professeur de Management à l'Université de Wollongong, Australie
Conseil au Comité Européen pour l'Automatisme de Traitement des Cheques Bancaires.
et activités bénévoles.......................
Membre du Conseil d'Administration et Tresorier
-Institut Australien des Ingénieurs de Biomedicine
Membre du Conseil d'Administration et Tresorier Citroen Car Club
Membre du Conseil d'administration et Tresorier de
Sydney Chambre de Commerce, Division Medicale
Fondation Directeur du Centre Australien d'Innovation et Concurrence
Président Cercle d'Affaires Franco-Brittanique Bordeaux
Président Academic Board MBA College Bordeaux
Membre de “Supermarkets to Asia”,
Groupes de Travail; Initiative en agri-affaires du Premier Ministre
Retired in Andernos, Gironde, France and now in Lauderdale, Tasmania
Born in London England, 25 years in Australia
Double Nationality - Australian, British
Wife, Yolande, Double Nationality Australian and French
Engineer, specialising in
IT and biotechnology and their commercialisation
Senior Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia,
Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management
Member of FAIR from 1992-2003, Inter-governmental
Committee for the exchange and commercialisation of
research projects between France and Australia
CEO of international companies in IT and medical technology
Director of Companies in the UK, Australia, USA, Denmark, France Singapore and Switzerland
Professor of Management
at the University of Wollongong Australia, Fellow of the
University and occasional lecturer at the University of
Adviser to the European
Committee on the standardisation and cross
acceptance of cheques in the banking system
and voluntary work.......................
Member of the Board and Hon. Treasurer of the Australian Institution of Biomedical Engineers
Member of the Committee and Hon Treasurer of a Citroën Car Club
Member of the Board and treasurer of the Sydney Chamber of Commerce, Medical Division
Founding Director of ACIIC Ltd the Australian Innovation Centre
Member of "Supermarkets to Asia" working group; an initiative of the then Prime Minister of Australia
Member of the Committee of "English in Andernos"
President of the FBBA at Bordeaux (Franco-British Business Association)
President of the Academic Board of the Bordeaux MBA College
French representative on the ACI (Amicale de Citroën Internationale)
Member of the Committee of the DCPL South West region ( a classic car club)
Webmaster of A.P.A.C.A (another car club)
For a summary see « Who’s Who in Australia »
ici - Click here to see a list of
Publications and Presentations
an experienced business operator and analyst, Gerry
was able to bring to a directorship an above average
command of account and finance for a non accountant,
first hand experience of international negotiations,
manufacturing and marketing and a very broad range of
understanding of technologies and product innovation.
In recent years a Director of:-
Holdings Ltd
The Illawarra Technology Corporation Ltd as a
University nominee.
T.A.S.C.- The Centre for Technology and Social Change
Antrec Ltd- a defence equipment supplier.
Complimentary Technologies Ltd - a joint venture in
electronics with B.H.P.
Redox (
Fidcor Inc. - a
Tytel Pty. Ltd -a telephone manufacturer.
Polymer Systems Technology Ltd - An intelligent
materials researcher
Video Tutor Holdings Pty Ltd - An educational systems
software designer.
AMP Private Investments Pty Ltd
Jamison Equity Ltd
Fidcor Holdings Pty Ltd
Member of Investment Committee of Venture
Capital Funds in several countries.
Member of advisory board of a CRM implementation
Advisory Board member of TCW/TDICI venture fund in
and have held Directorships in the U.S.A, U.K. France,
currently:- Founding Director of ACIIC
Ltd – The Australian Innovation Centre at
Nucleus on the council of its industry trade
American technical associations and various committees
associated with
government support of high technology industry,
including being Hon Treasurer of the
DIME division of the Sydney Chamber of Commerce.
Past President of the Australian Federation of Medical
and Biological
Engineering, President of the N.S.W. affiliate and
Hon. Treasurer of the
Institution of Biomedical Engineers.
Participated in a number of enquiries and seminars
concerned with venture capital and the education and
training challenge of entrepreneurial technology
Was a member of the French Australian Chamber of
Commerce and A.F.A.S. (An organisation for management
who have had a career or education segment in
Lectured part-time at
Represented B.L.E.Capital. on the Australian Venture
Capital Association.
Featured in ABC Four Corners showing technical
enterprise in
an ABC mini-series on Australian innovations.
Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and
in 1992 addressed a joint meeting with the
Senior Member of the Institution of Engineers(
Past Member of the Australian Business Network and its
Consultancy Group
Member of Supermarkets to Asia, Working Parties
Member of Steering Committee of F.A.I.R. (France
Australia Industrial Research)
Speaker at numerous International and local
conferences on Venture Capital, Corporate Governance,
R&D issues, Internet and Social Futures.
Selective Boys Grammar School- Harrow,
G.C.E-"O" levels in Pure Maths, Applied
Maths.,Physics, Chemistry, English and French.
G.C.E. A-levels in Pure Maths., Applied Maths.,
Physics and Chemistry.
Awarded by nationwide exam., a State Scholarship in
University of
Upper Second Class Honours Degree in Physics with
Electrical Engineering. Major specialisation in
computer programming.
Final year thesis in analogue simulation of majority
logic applied to neural structures.
Post-graduate research in computer simulation of self-
adaptive biological systems using neural logic
Programming experience in machine languages on
Ferranti Mk1 and Mercury and in Autocode.
A variety of short courses including :-
1959 Scientific Russian
1960 French for foreigners
1963 French Conversation
1965 Accounting for Non Accountants
1972 Italian Conversation
1973 Common Market Commercial Law
1974 Board of Trade Yacht master's Certificate
1980 Negotiating
Informally and continually from students, colleagues
and a rich experiental exposure.
from executive roles
2000 – June 2002
Jan – July 2000
Consulting to Australian government agencies and
companies on e-commerce implementation and
business transfer to the
- Dec1999
Advising AMP Ltd Group Development on its development
One client, AMP Investments Ltd. wished to develop
their activities in unlisted investments. Following an
advisory role for some two years - Responsible, on
contract, for the management of the unlisted segment
of the portfolio of some $1.5 Billion, with 8 staff.
Continued to act as a non-executive director of ACIIC,
run a small software company and speak at a variety of
conferences on R&D and Investment. Have been
advising a CSIRO division on restructuring and
downsizing, while arranging commercial linkages from
1993-95. Managed the AMP investment interest in
Stanbroke, the largest Australian cattle producer and
various technology, retail and logistics businesses.
Member of the Private Equity investment Commitee.
With a colleague from
recent years have been a sought after speaker at
conferences, seminars, dinners etc including an Asian
Venture Capital Conference, CEDA luncheon, Price
Waterhouse Partners Training Course, Australian
Academy of Science, DITAC workshops, Australian
Manufacturing Council, Australian Taxation Office and
AOTC dinners.
of a number of reports and papers for consultancy
clients including three papers for the Industries
Commission report on Availability of Capital 1991 -
Threats behind the Recession, The Nucleus Story and
Signals by the Financial Community. Also in
practice includes creating strategic alliances between
larger companies and in merger and acquisition
structuring and negotiation. An active member of the
Steering Committee of FAIR for DIST and the French
Government. In this role has been the keynote speaker
in launching the initiative in
Accepted an invitation of the Vice Chancellor of
Wollongong University to take up a Chair in
Management, with the intention of encouraging growth
industries in the region. Took over the MBA program
but found that the main market was overseas students
as the local market quickly saturated. Found my
audience mainly public servants and so renegotiated
this role to that of a Professorial Fellow, allowing
consultancy and research in
A founding director of the Illawarra Technology
Centre. Using funds from the Federal and
to 1992
Retained by Business Loans and Equity Capital Ltd. as
a consultant to provide investigations of equity
investment opportunities in a variety of industries,
advising and monitoring a number of technology based
start-ups and high risk ventures. This included the
support of companies in difficulties and their
divestment, including the sale of a South Australian
fertiliser distributor to Western Mining, sale of a
pump manufacturer to a
With B.L.E.Capital reviewed over 3000 companies for
investment. Tracked 20 companies in which investments
were made and have done detailed investigations of
nearly 200. Also supervised the similar work of three
other experienced businessmen.
to 1998
Managing Director - Video Tutor Holdings Pty. Ltd -The
Computer Learning Centre.
A specialised software company founded to develop
computer based training tools for small business
managers. Developed an authoring system marketed by
Sperry Univac. Developed and installed a computer
simulator for training Electric Train Drivers at the
SRA of NSW. Designed domestic security and home
environment management systems.
Chief Executive Designate - Ausonics Pty. Ltd.
In June, again asked to join an ailing operation,
Ausonics Pty. Ltd, which exported ultrasonic imaging
systems. There, negotiated a $28M O.E.M. agreement in
1981 - Date
Director Fidcor Holdings Pty. Ltd.
Developing this theme, formed a consulting company
that initially designed and implemented programmes for
annual budgets, production planning, cash flow
forecasting and new product introduction. Currently
focuses on strategic advice on investment and business
development much of which centres around e-commerce
and the Internet.
Chief Executive - Medtel Pty. Ltd
Took over a poorly performing marketing company in the
group, selling diagnostic imaging equipment. Combined
this with the monitoring division, negotiated its
purchase from Telectronics and formed a new company,
Medtel Pty. Ltd.
For four years its chief executive, doubling sales
whilst reversing its loss making trend. Export sales
were lifted and Australian distribution was
rationalised to reflect reduced government spending.
During this period held directorships in several of
the group's operating companies:-
Medtel Pty. Ltd. Director & Chief Executive
Medtel Corporation(
Domedica Pty. Ltd Director
Ausonics Pty. Ltd. Director
Main contribution was in international activities,
exploring export markets, understanding overseas
trends and finding new agencies for imports. During a
visit to the U.S in 1980, first appreciated the value
of microcomputers as a management tool. On return gave
introductory courses to the senior management in
spreadsheet use for internal budgeting and
Technical Executive - Telectronics Pty. Ltd
Chief Executive - Monitoring Division, Telectronics
Pty. Ltd.
Telectronics, having taken in a major French partner,
was in transition from a local engineering dominated
company to a multinational marketeer. Joined
Telectronics Pty. Ltd, as Technical Executive of the
monitoring division. Restructured a loss making R.
& D. and manufacturing unit and led a new product
development which won design awards and contributed
towards the companies export award. Then was appointed
Chief Executive of the division responsible, in
addition, for an
Managing Director Domino Boats Pty. Ltd.
Started a small boat assembly and retailing operation
in partnership with a
Becoming concerned with industrial prospects in the
future, retired, sold out equity and settled in
Trend Communications Ltd. Managing Director.
The combination of over expansion and the failure of a
major creditor forced the sale of the company to a
substantial public company, Plantation Holdings Ltd.
Responsibility was widened to include directorships of
several group companies with line responsibility,
mainly in a company doctoring role.
These included:-
Comdata Ltd.(Software) Deputy Chairman.
Trend Scandinavisk A/S Director.
Southern Communications Ltd. Vice Chairman.
Midland Circuits Ltd. Vice Chairman.
In addition, a director of the holding company,
jointly owned with I.C.F.C.(now 3i- the minority
shareholder in BLE Capital). There duties included
negotiating acquisitions and divestments. On
departure, Trend had grown to over 300 staff and was
making 12% N.P.B.T. on sales.
Group role gradually evolved from line manager to
company doctor rescuing several of the group's
acquisitions which were not satisfactory. These were
restructured or sold off as appropriate. By a
combination of such a rescue and an acquisition, a
capability was established in computer controlled
message switching and Comdata became a major supplier
to Cable and Wireless, for their international telex
All the companies had a high R. and D. expenditure
approaching 10% of sales.
Restructured the company to bring in additional
working capital and established new manufacturing
facilities. The company was the designer of arguably
the first practical word processor. It was
manufactured in substantial quantities and marketed in
Trend was also the first manufacturer in the
Working with the British Post Office, Trend designed
the first standardised instruments for the monitoring
of data transmission services. It further collaborated
with them to introduce the first British Auto
answering modem services and the first computer-telex
Trend data transmission test equipment has been used
to establish the quality of public data facilities by
national telephone authorities, armed forces and
computer suppliers in over 50 countries. During this
period participated in one of the first technology
trade missions from the
Managing Director - Trend Electronics Ltd.
Founded Trend Electronics Ltd. in partnership with an
electronics manufacturing company, to market a range
of data transmission and business systems equipment.
European Banking Automation Committee - Technical
Used connections in Banking Automation in the European
market to start a consultancy practice in credit card
and cheque encoding and sorting.
Marketing executive (Western Europe) Business Systems
Division of Crosfield
Electronics Ltd.
Responsible for establishing a market for document
handling and reading equipment in
Chief Engineer Adrema Ltd. Managed introduction of
Farrington OCR systems into the U.K.
Developed first digital keyboard, operated embossing
machines for credit cards in
Australian/British Britannique/Australienne
Date of Birth:- 18th. July 1937
Status:- Married - Yolande Huguette – Retired
Accountant –
Australian/French Française/Australienne
here are her French great grandfather, great great
grandfather and mother + great aunt, circa 1915 -
photo printed on a post card, sent to sons fighting
in the trenches and returned in 1918
et voici sa famille Française - son arrière arrière
grandpère assis, son arrière grandpère, arrière
grandmère et sa grandtante Louise. Une photo de 1915
envoyée en carte postale à des fils dans les tranchées
et retournée en 1918
et l'histoire de son pére, un résistant pendant la
guerre de 1939
mise à jour Jeudi, le 27 Août 2015